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atlantic puffin LUNDI

Brosche 3d Acryl Papgeientaucher Petra Stelzm++ller Lundi
Brosche 3d Acryl Papgeientaucher Petra Stelzm++ller Lundi
Brosche 3d Acryl Papgeientaucher Petra Stelzmüller Lundi
Brosche 3d Acryl Papgeientaucher Petra Stelzmüller Lundi
Brosche 3d Acryl Papgeientaucher Petra Stelzm++ller Lundi
Brosche, Plexiglas, gelasert, Petra Stelzmüller, KHM, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Design, exquisit

The deep calls of the atlantic puffin sound like „orr…o-o“ or „arr…ha-ha“, and that is exactly what the newly designed brooch should do when you wear a blouse or blazer: increase the attention of your vis-a-vis!

These adorable migrating birds are good swimmers as well as excellent diver and spend a lot of time together besides when they are not feeding.

Petra Stelzmüller was inspired by the clear colour scheme– the black head, the white halves of the face and the red- orange beak— that’s why the atlantic puffins are seen as the clowns amoung the seabirds. With the design of brooches like the Rhinoceros or the LUNDI Petra Stelzmüller wants to draw attention to the endangered species.

This brooch is intended for people with a clear commitment to extravagance and with a hint of the beauty of our endangered fauna – LUNDI brightens up your life!

