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KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller luck safety asia reflexion sailing accessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller luck safety asia reflexion sailing accessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller luck safety asia reflexion sailing accessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller luck safety asia reflexion sailing accessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller luck safety asia reflexion sailing accessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller luck safety asia reflexion sailing accessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller luck safety asia reflexion sailing accessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller luck safety asia reflexion sailing accessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller Glück sicherheit Asien Reflektor Segelaccessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller Glück sicherheit Asien Reflektor Segelaccessoire
KIKKO BAG Petra Stelzmueller Glück sicherheit Asien Reflektor Segelaccessoire

In Asia, the hexagon is not only a symbol for turtles, but also a symbol of luck and stands for success and long life. We can also make good use of this luck in everyday life, when going out and in traffic – and even better: in the evening on the way home, in order to be clearly visible.

Bionics (a combination of biology and technology) knows the hexagon as a natural shape in honeycombs, and its strength and space-saving effect are used in aerospace.

The KIKKŌ Bag is supposed to combine both: happiness (of the wearer) and lightness (of the bag). Or the lightness of being while carrying it ; ))

